Red Bull gives the Merlot Marketing team wings

Agency life is characterized by long hours, hard work, and strict project deadlines. The office becomes our home away from home, and sometimes we need a little afternoon pick-me-up to get our creative juices flowing. For us, multiple cups of coffee and countless cans of Red Bull are our lifelines.

Last week, Red Bull noted our team’s love for their beverages on Twitter. As the highest-selling energy drink in the world, we felt honored that they would recognize us, and we wanted to thank them for the personalized GIF image they sent. Cue the magic of our creative services team! Watch us spread our “wings” and soar in the video below.

Disclaimer: Red Bull did not literally give us wings.

Need help enhancing your marketing efforts with video? Read these five easy ways to incorporate video into your marketing content from our CEO Debi Hammond in her recent Sacramento Business Journal article.

This is not an endorsed video for Red Bull.

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