In thinking about what I wanted to share today, I had to take inspiration from the Caribbean vacation (honeymoon to be exact) that I just returned from.  It’s not that often, or hardly ever, that we allow ourselves ample time to unplug from email, meetings and daily demands to simply escape to a quiet island where relaxation and fun are the only items on the agenda.  In fact, if it wasn’t our honeymoon, I don’t know that we would have taken that much time away either.  Now that we have experienced this together, you better bet we’re prioritizing our future plans accordingly.  But, how does this positively impact my job performance now that I’m back in the office? Here are a few ways I believe that much needed time away has and will increase my job performance, creativity etc.

I’m an even More Thankful Employee
Not only in this economy but, at all times we should be thankful to our employer for entrusting us to move the business forward.  When you’re on vacation, I found that your gratitude increases even more because you understand that without that fantastic job, vacations would not be possible.

The Sky is the Limit
We were lucky enough to vacation in St. Lucia, which is a magical place in the southern region of the Caribbean.  By flying across the country and overseas to a brand-new place in the world, it opens your mind up to possibilities.  You start to think about how many different ways there are to approach challenges and new ventures.  I believe this will further enhance the way I approach client challenges, needs and strategy moving forward.

Creativity is Heightened
One can’t help but be inspired by the beauty of crystal clear turquoise waters, sandy beaches and the rain forest.  I found that in this environment, my creativity flourished and I foresee this positively impacting my work as a result.

So if you haven’t taken time away, what are you waiting for? Take it from me-you will come back refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to apply your inspiration to your work.  You deserve it and your company will thank you for it!

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