Videtorial™: Modern Storytelling at its Finest

Marketing is no longer about what’s been done, but rather what we can do—differently, better, more effectively and more creatively. We understand that your brand exists in an ever-changing digital age – and we embrace it, leverage it, and use it to your advantage. With PR.0™, we’ve integrated social media and public relations in ways that empower us to garner more impressions, build more authentic relationships and engage more deeply with the media on our clients’ behalf.

One of the most powerful elements of our PR.0 recipe is the development and distribution of Videtorials™. Videtorials are the perfect mix of video and editorial content to visually bring a story to life. It’s well understood that people are busy and they expect great visual content. That’s why these short and sweet videos are so effective when getting big picture ideas across. Our philosophy is, why just say it when you can say it, show it, and share it.

Here’s a Videtorial we did in collaboration with our client, NanaWall Systems. They saw a shift from traditional classrooms to the way 21st century classrooms are being designed and knew they had a solution that could elevate both classroom design and learning.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then video is pretty close to priceless. Enjoy!

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